1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
- The Outline Navigational Safety Plan (NSP) And Vessel Management Plan (VMP) has been prepared by RPS and Berwick Bank Wind Farm Limited (BBWFL), a wholly owned subsidiary of SSE Renewables (SSER) Limited hereafter referred to as ‘the Applicant’, to support the Offshore Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the Berwick Bank Wind Farm offshore infrastructure (hereafter referred to as ‘the Proposed Development’)
- The VMP and NSP provide the details of the vessel management and navigational safety of the Proposed Development, in accordance with relevant guidance, during construction and operation. The VMP and NSP are likely to be required through the Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence as consent conditions and therefore will be submitted to MS-LOT for approval
1.2. Project Overview
- The Proposed Development is an offshore wind farm located in the outer Firth of Forth and Firth of Tay, approximately 37.8 km east of the Scottish Borders coastline (St. Abb’s Head) and 47.6 km to the East Lothian coastline (see Figure 1.1 Open ▸ ).
- The Proposed Development covers an area of approximately 1,178.1 km2 comprising 1,010.2 km2 for the Proposed Development array area and 167.9 km2 for the Proposed Development export cable corridor. It comprises up to 307 wind turbines, up to ten OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms and up to eight offshore export cables which extend from the Proposed Development array area to the Skateraw Landfall on the East Lothian coast, and a network of inter-array and interconnector cables.
Figure 1.1: Location of the Proposed Development Offshore Infrastructure
1.3. Scope and Objectives
- This combined NSP and Vessel Monitoring Plan VMP has been produced for the purposes of satisfying the relevant consent conditions as outlined in Table 1.1 Open ▸ , which outlines where in this document the specific requirements of the consent conditions are met. This document applies to vessel management and navigational safety of the Berwick Bank Wind Farm (hereafter referred to as the “Proposed Development”), in accordance with the relevant guidance, during construction and operation. The offshore transmission assets will be divested (likely to be post construction of the Proposed Development) and responsibilities relating to these assets will be transferred to the Offshore Transmission Owner (OfTO) [To be confirmed post application].
- This NSP and VMP has been produced for the purpose of providing the required information to the Scottish Ministers and Licensing Authority on vessel management and navigational safety during the construction, and operation and maintenance phases, in order to mitigate the impact of project vessels and the navigational risk to other legitimate users of the sea.
- The information provided in this document is based on the current understanding of the baseline environment and how the Proposed Development will be constructed and operated using the best available technologies, in compliance with current legislation and best practice at the time of writing.
- The NSP and VMP will be reviewed as required and updated if necessary (see section 1.5). Information contained within this document is accurate at the time of submission, but it is recognised that changes or updates may be required to reflect changes following consultation or changes in best practice.
1.4. Links with Other Consent Plans
- This Plan forms one of a number for which the approval from Scottish Ministers will be sought in compliance with [condition to be inserted post application].
- In order to reduce repetition between documents, where detailed information is not deemed fundamental to the understanding of the key objectives of this document, a summary of information may be provided with a reference to where more detailed information is provided in a separate document. Table 1.2 Open ▸ provides an overview of which consent documents are referenced within this document.
Table 1.2: Linkages with Other Consent Plans
1.5. Updates and Amendments to the NSP and VMP
- It is acknowledged that this document, once approved, may require updating from time to time. This section outlines the general procedure that will be followed. Factors that may influence the need for a review and/or update include:
- significant change to the design of the Berwick Bank Wind Farm;
- significant change in methods or schedule outlines within this document;
- significant changes in knowledge of baseline information or environment of relevance to the contents of this document;
- significant changes in legislation or best practice guidance;
- significant stage in project lifecycle (completion of construction, divestment of OFTO etc); and
- scheduled reviews.
- [Project specific review detail to be added post application]
2.1. Temporary Lighting and Marking
- The Lighting and Marking Plan (LMP) sets out the precise details of the lighting and marking of the Proposed Development.
- [Details of statutory sanction to be noted here post application (if applicable)]
2.2. Guard Vessels
- Guard vessels may be required for the Proposed Development, at particular times, for example when vessels are particularly vulnerable due to partially completed works or a particular construction activity. During these periods, the construction area will be monitored by guard vessel(s) to further protect the area and to provide additional information to third-party vessels.
- The decision(s) on when to use a guard vessel will be informed by a risk assessment of the activities.
- A guard vessel may also be required to monitor safety zones noting this will be further assessed as part of the safety zone application (see section 2.3).
2.3. Construction Safety Zones
- Section 95 and Schedule 16 of the Energy Act 2004 set out the basic requirements for applying for a safety zone to be placed around or adjacent to an Offshore Renewable Energy Installation (OREI). The Electricity (Offshore Generating Substations) (Safety Zones) (Applications Procedures and Control of Access) Regulation 2007 clarify the requirements for applications which applies to territorial waters in or adjacent to Scotland and within the Renewable Energy Zone.
- It is noted that as of 1 April 2017, the application process for safety zones within Scottish waters has been devolved from the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team (MS-LOT). An application will be made to MS-LOT accompanied by a layout plan, a summary of the construction programme and construction method statement documents, and also the proposed methodology for notifying relevant stakeholders.
2.4. Mangement of Buoyed Construction Area Including Safety Zones
- Section 7 presents methods by which project vessels will be managed within the buoyed construction area including safety zones.
2.5. Cable Laying and Other RAM Operations
- Restricted in their ability to manoeuvre (RAM) vessels will be utilised during the cable installation works and heavy lifting operations. RAM vessels are those restricted in their ability to manoeuvre as a result of the nature of the work they are undertaking and therefore are restricted in avoiding an approaching vessel(s). All RAM vessels involved in the construction of the Proposed Development will comply with the Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) (International Maritime Organization (IMO), 1972/77). All vessels, regardless of their nationality, are required to comply with this convention to ensure that they do not interact with vessels that are restricted in their navigational ability.
- RAM vessels will display lights and shapes to indicate their restrictions. They will transmit safety warnings on Very High Frequency (VHF) to inform other vessels of their actions using the ‘Securité’ message if the messages contain important information relating to navigation. Communications between RAM vessels and the marine coordination centre will be ongoing throughout the operations.
- RAM vessels will comply with vessel type regulation information transmitted through Automatic Identification System (AIS) and show current navigational status at all times to ensure other vessels equipped with AIS can identify that they are RAM.
- Cable laying activities will also be promulgated through the notification procedure, and, if necessary, following internal risk assessment, guard vessels may be employed during the cable laying period.
2.6. ERCoP
- As required under Marine Guidance Note (MGN) 654 (Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), 2021), The Applicant will produce an Emergency Response Cooperation Plan (ERCoP) in liaison with the MCA.
- The Applicant will also prepare an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) which will detail the emergency planning and response control measures to be implemented during the construction phase.
2.7. Injury, Destruction, or Decay of The Proposed Development
- The Applicant will notify the Licencing Authority, in writing, in the case of injury to, destruction, or decay of the Proposed Development during the construction phase. The Licencing Authority will advise of any remedial action to be taken and any Aids to Navigation (AtoN) to be displayed following consultation from the MCA, Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB), or any such required advisors.
3.1. Marine Coordination
- [Specific details of any marine coordination function to be included here post application].
3.2. Operational Lighting and Marking
- The Lighting and Marking Plan (LMP) will set out the precise details of the lighting and marking of the Proposed Development.
3.3. Safety Zones During Operational Phase
- [Details of any operational safety zones to be added post application (likely for major maintenance only)].
3.4. RAM Operations
- RAM vessels may be used during cable maintenance, and heavy lift operations associated with the wind turbines – these vessels will comply with COLREGs. These vessels will transmit safety warnings on VHF to inform other vessels of their actions, using the “Securité” message if their message contains important information relevant to navigation.
- Cable maintenance will be promulgated through the notification procedures (see section 4) and, where necessary, guard vessels will be deployed during the cable maintenance period.
3.5. ERCoP and ERP
- The approved ERCoP for the construction phase (see section 2.3) will be updated and amended for the operation and maintenance phase, noting that the MCA required HUB template (MCA, 2019) will be used.
- The Applicant will also prepare a separate ERP which shall detail the required emergency planning and response control measures to be implemented across the construction and operation and maintenance phases of Berwick Bank Wind Farm by all project personnel and contractors.
3.6. Injury, Decay, and Destruction of The Proposed Development
- The Applicant will notify the Licencing Authority, in writing, in the case of injury to, destruction, or decay of the Proposed Development during the operation and maintenance phase. The Licencing Authority will advise of any remedial action to be taken and any AtoN to be displayed following consultation from the MCA, NLB, or any such required advisors.
4. Promulgation of Information
- This section provides information of the proposed approach to distribution and issuing Notifications to Mariners (NtMs) and other appropriate notifications to the relevant stakeholders and other marine users.
4.1. Local Notifications to Mariners
- Local Notifications to Mariners (LNtM) will be issued in advance of any activity associated with the Proposed Development which may impact upon navigational safety. The Applicant will issue LNtM to a list of relevant local and national stakeholders. The list will be regularly updated to ensure contact details remain up to date and all relevant parties are included.
- The LNtM will be concise, detailing navigational safety information and may include, but not limited to, the information set out in Table 4.1 Open ▸ . A standard template will be defined.
- Among the organisations that the LNtM will be issued to is the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO). Upon receipt of a LNtM, the UKHO will decide whether to include information in their Weekly Admiralty NtM, as described in section 4.2.
4.1.1. LNtM Issued Prior to the Commencement of Construction
- The Applicant will, as soon as practicable prior to the commencement of any construction activities, ensure that local mariners, fishermen’s organisations, and His Majesty’s Coastguard (HMCG), in this case the Aberdeen Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), are made fully aware of the Licensable Marine Activity through LNtM (or any other appropriate means).
4.1.2. LNtM upon Commissioning and During Operation and Maintenance
- The Applicant will ensure that local mariners, fisherman’s organisations, and the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centres (MRCC) are made fully aware of the completion of the construction works and commissioning of the Proposed Development.
- The Applicant will ensure that relevant stakeholders are informed via LNtM of any planned and unplanned maintenance activities that are outside the day-to-day maintenance activities associated with the Proposed Development.
4.1.3. Post Commissioning
- The Applicant will, upon the commissioning of the Proposed Development, provide the ‘as built’ positions and maximum heights of all wind turbines, offshore substation platforms, and any subsea infrastructure to the UKHO for aviation and nautical charting purposes.
4.2. Admiralty Notices to Mariners (UKHO)
- Admiralty NtMs are issued to the UKHO and are based on the information provided within LNtMs. The UKHO issues these on a weekly basis to provide physical corrections to charts and associated publications. It is the responsibility of mariners to look up the Weekly Editions of Admiralty NtMs which can be found on the UKHO website and to make necessary corrections to the charts on board their vessel.
4.3. Hydrographic Charts
- The precise locations and maximum heights of all wind turbines and construction equipment over 150 metres (m) abovfe LAT, and the details of any fixed lighting fitted to all wind turbines, will be provided to the UKHO for aviation and nautical charting.
- Wind turbines will be charted by the UKHO using the wind turbine tower or project area chart symbol (as presented in Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALITY Paper Charts NP5011 (UKHO, 2018)) on charts deemed appropriate in terms of scale.
4.4. Kingfisher Bulletins and KIS-ORCA
- The Kingfisher Information Service – Offshore Renewables and Cable Awareness (KIS-ORCA) project is a joint initiative between Subsea Cables United Kingdom (UK) and Renewable UK and is managed by the Kingfisher Information Service of Seafish. Information is available in fortnightly bulletins (Kingfisher – Offshore and Marine Renewables) or downloadable form the KIS-ORCA website.
- Notification to the Kingfisher fortnightly bulletin may include, for example, an overview of the Proposed Development, roles and responsibilities, method statements relevant to the scope of the work for which the notification is issued, offshore activity schedule, navigational safety procedures, advisory safety zones, and any relevant drawings or other project information.
- The following subsections detail the KIS-ORCA notifications that will be promulgated for each phase of the Proposed Development.
4.4.1. Notifications Prior to the Commencement of Construction
- The Applicant will ensure that details of the Proposed Development are promulgated in the Kingfisher fortnightly bulletins, as soon as reasonably practicable prior to the commencement of construction of the Proposed Development to inform the commercial fishing industry of vessels routes, timing and locations of construction works, and relevant details of the construction activities.
4.4.2. Notifications During Construction
- The Applicant, through the marine coordination centre, will ensure that the progress of construction of the Proposed Development is promulgated in the Kingfisher fortnightly bulletins to inform the commercial fishing industry of the vessel routes, timings and locations of construction works, and relevant details of the construction activities.
4.4.3. Notifications upon Commissioning and During Operation and Maintenance
- The Applicant will ensure that the commissioning of the Proposed Development is promulgated to the Kingfisher fortnightly bulletin to inform the commercial fishing industry.
- The Applicant will ensure notices are issued to the Kingfisher fortnightly bulletin detailing any planned or unplanned maintenance activities that are outside the day-to-day maintenance carried out at the Proposed Development.
4.6. UK Marine Reporting Requirements
- In addition, within UK waters, all vessels are required to report all incidents relating to navigational safety by the quickest means possible to the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). The MAIB has a dedicated reporting line for all purposes (+44 (0)23 8023 2527), which is staffed 24 hours per day.
- Information required shall include:
- Details of the incident;
- Details of the vessel(s) involved; and
- Details of personnel involved.
4.7. Other Notifications
- The Applicant will consult local harbour Masters, where appropriate, who may wish to issue local warnings to those navigating in the vicinity of the Proposed Development.
5. Location of Working Ports
- Precise ports to be used during the construction phase are not yet determined. The following ports (in some cases referred to as Intermediate Delivery Ports (IDPs) are under consideration for use during the construction phase:
- [List relevant ports to be added here post application]
5.1. Construction Ports
- [Details of each port and their involvement in the delivery/transport/storage of construction parts and their role throughout the construction phase to be added here post application].
5.2. Operation and Maintenance Ports
- [Details of the port expected to be used during operation and maintenance as a base (if required) to be added here post application]
5.3. Other Operational Ports
- In addition to the ports listed above, other ports may be used during the construction and operation and maintenance phases, with these likely to be local to Berwick Bank Wind Farm and located [details on port locations to be added here post application]. Information regarding any other ports used will, if necessary, be promulgated via methods outlined in section 4.
- [Details of any mentioned ports used in the facilitation of CTVs/GVs/small vessels etc. throughout the project to be added here post application].
6. Types and Specification of Vessels
- This section outlines the types and specifications of vessels to be utilised during the construction phase (section 7.1) and operation and maintenance phase (section 7.2). Where the vessels to be used are known specific specifications are presented; otherwise indicative vessel specifications are presented. Where indicative vessel specifications are presented, these may vary depending on market availability. [Specific condition requirements to be included here pot application if required].
6.1. Standards and requirements
- Vessel crews will be required to meet recognised standards and comply with the international maritime rules (as adopted by the relevant flag state) and regulations for their class and area of operation. The Applicant will conduct independent vessel audits on construction vessels as necessary to check that they meet these standards and are appropriate for the purpose of their desired role(s).
- Vessel crews must meet the requirements for the size, type, and are of operation in line with Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping as set out by the IMO, and any site specific requirements implemented by the Applicant above the minimum standards outlined above.
- All vessels involved in the construction of the Proposed Development will be lit in accordance with the requirements of COLREGs (IMO, 1972/77). All construction vessels will be equipped with AIS receivers and transmitters.
- The Applicant will require all construction vessels to comply with the procedures set out on this document and any other relevant plan.
6.2. Construction phase
- The following subsections present examples of the vessel types that will be used during the construction works, specifically relating to:
- Foundations, jacket substructures, and offshore substation platform topside installation;
- Inter-array cable installation;
- Wind turbine installation;
- Export cable installation; and
- Construction support.
6.2.1. Foundations, Jacket Substructures, and Offshore Substation Platform Topside Installation
[Vessel Type/Name to be Confirmed Post Application]
- The foundations, jacket substructures and offshore substation platform topside will be installed by a [Vessel Type/ Name]. The [Vessel Type/ Name] will collect the foundations and the substructures from [port to be added post application].
- Key details of an indicative [Vessel Type/ Name] are presented in Table 6.1 Open ▸ .
Table 6.1: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
6.2.2. Inter-Array Cable Installation
[Vessel Type/Name to be Confirmed Post Application]
- The inter-array cables will be installed by a [Vessel Type/ Name]. The [Vessel Type/ Name] will collect the inter-array cables from [port to be added post application].
- Key details of an indicative [Vessel Type/ Name] are presented in Table 6.2 Open ▸ .
Table 6.2: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
6.2.3. Wind Turbine Installation
[Vessel Type/Name to be Confirmed Post Application]
- The wind turbines will be installed by a [Vessel Type/ Name]. The [Vessel Type/ Name] will collect the wind turbines from [port to be added post application].
- Key details of an indicative [Vessel Type/ Name] are presented in Table 6.3 Open ▸ .
Table 6.3: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
6.2.4. Offshore Export Cable Installation
[Vessel Type/Name to be Confirmed Post Application]
- The offshore export cables will be installed by a [Vessel Type/ Name]. The [Vessel Type/ Name] will collect the offshore export cables from [port to be added post application].
- Key details of an indicative [Vessel Type/ Name] are presented in Table 6.4 Open ▸ .
Table 6.4: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
6.2.5. Inter-Array Cable Installation
[Vessel Type/Name to be Confirmed Post Application]
- The inter-array cables will be installed by a [Vessel Type/ Name]. The [Vessel Type/ Name] will collect the inter-array cables from [port to be added post application].
- Key details of an indicative [Vessel Type/ Name] are presented in Table 6.5 Open ▸ .
Table 6.5: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
6.2.6. Additional Construction Support
[Vessel Type/Name to be Confirmed Post Application]
- Additional construction support will be provided by a [Vessel Type/ Name]. The [Vessel Type/ Name] will operate from [port to be added post application].
- Key details of an indicative [Vessel Type/ Name] are presented in Table 6.6 Open ▸ .
Table 6.6: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
- Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) will be used during the construction phase to aid the transfer of equipment and personnel between shore and the offshore works. Support will be provided to a number of activities including foundation and jacket substructure installation, wind turbine installation and commissioning, array cable installation, and offshore substation platform jacket and topside installation. Key details of an example CTV, the [Vessel Type/ Name], are provided in Table 6.7 Open ▸ .
Table 6.7: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
- Service Operation Vessel (SOV) will be used during the construction phase to aid the transfer of equipment and personnel between shore and the offshore works. Support will be provided to a number of activities including foundation and jacket substructure installation, wind turbine installation and commissioning, array cable installation, and offshore platform substation jacket and topside installation. Key details of an example SOV, the [Vessel Type/ Name], are provided in Table 6.8 Open ▸ .
Table 6.8: [Vessel Type/ Name] Key Details
6.3. Operation and Maintenance Phase
- Similar vessels are likely to be required, at various times, to those described for construction in section 6.2.